Welcome to another edition of

“Just Kickin’ It!” is a reimagining of PopCultHQ‘s “Pants Optional” Kickstarter Spotlight feature, where we interview comic book creators and discuss their latest project(s) that they are bringing to the platform. With the new “Just Kickin’ It!” show title, both PopCultHQ & our official podcast – PodCultHQ – will feature these crowdfunding promotions in an additional format. The interviews will be available as a straight podcast and with a published article here at PopCultHQ. Oftentimes, a video format may be available for additional ways to view and spread the word.

Episode three of JUST KICKIN’ IT! features Steven Prince & Puis Calzada. The writer & artist duo are running a Kickstarter campaign for MONSTRADORES, the latest offering from Prince’s MONSTER MATADOR Universe.
Steven is an award-winning comic book writer and creator of the MONSTER MATADOR Universe & IP. He has run nine successful Kickstarter campaigns featuring the Matador’s adventures, and looks to easily make it ten straight with his latest offering (only a few days in!).
Puis is a Mexican comic book artist & illustrator. Noted for his work in the horror genre, his work got him noticed and he was chosen as the artist for the Metallica tour and their mercha/promotional material. He has also provided variant cover art in previous MONSTER MATADOR campaigns.
Joined by series colorist Alex Zief and letterer Albini, this epic one-shot is a fantastic story on its own and also sets the stage for the next series in the MONSTER MATADOR Universe!

MONSTRADORES is an incredible new spin-off from the world of MONSTER MATADOR featuring a group of Kaiju fighting Luchadores! Think Luchadores meets Godzilla meets Indiana Jones.
The Monstradores! Kaiju fighting Luchadores led by Dr. Destructor (he’s really a doctor!). Roll Call: Diablo Loco! Turbo Gigante! Lobo Azul! And everyone’s favorite, Señorita Sangre!
Born from out love of Indiana Jones, Kaiju and Santo and… telenovelas?! The Monstradores is luchadore fighting action like you’ve never experience before. It’s an action-packed mash-up of all those things, with more than a few laughs to spare.
The Monstradores joined forces with the Monster Matador to defeat the Megaracha in Mexico City. Soon after, the Matador sent the Monstradores on a mission to recruit an army in order to fight Nacho Lobo and his army of baddies and KAIJU! Of course, nothing is ever easy. Now we join the Monstradores as their mission is interruped by EL GOLIAS!
This one-shot is going to set the stage for stories to come as they go up against the kaiju GOLIAS in Brazil and end up uncovering clues as to the true origins of the Kaiju that have plagued the Monster Matador universe.
It’s written by Steven Prince (Monster Matador) with art by official METALLICA artist and master of horror Puis Calzada (Cult of Dracula, Fangoria, Eibon Press) and colors by Alex Zief (Monster Matador, Cult of Dracula).
So sit back, chill, and hear from these two creators about their exciting new project!
JUST KICKIN’ IT! Ep. 3: Steven Prince & Puis Calzada
Be sure to visit MONSTRADORES on Kickstarter
to learn more and back the campaign!

About Steven Prince:
STEVEN PRINCE used to work in the toy industry where he managed and developed toy lines and animation projects for Puppy in My Pocket, Stink Blasters, and Power Buggz. He is the writer and occasional artist of MONSTER MATADOR, INTERGALACDICK, and unemployANT. He lives in Los Angeles.
About Puis Calzada:
PUIS CALZADA is a Mexican Self Taught Comic Book Artist, Graphic designer and illustrator. Working for horror comic publishers like American Mythology productions, Eibon Press and Source point press, nominated for a 2023 Rondo Hatton classic horror award, illustrator for Fangoria magazine, done official horror movie merch for Hell on Shirts and Cavity Colors. Created Gig poster art for Mötley Crüe, Smashing Pumpkins, Pantera and Wu-Tang Clan. Currently working with Airbourne and Metallica.

About PodCultHQ:
PodCultHQ is PopCultHQ’s official podcast. Maintained & managed by Jason Bennett, PodCultHQ is a feature-filled, ear candy of content highlighting the comic book, cosplay, and convention communities.
You can expect exclusive interviews with comic book creators, previous video features returning in audio format (“Pants Optional” Zoom interviews), crowdfunding promotions (“Just Kickin’ It!“), a deeper dive into the comic book world (“Industry Insider“), unpublished material finally seeing the light of day (“From the Vault“), plus so much more. And, of course, idle chatter.
And be on the lookout for some new, fun & exciting, outside-the-box shows, including a talk show, a weekend wrapup broadcast, and an amateur rap competition for comic creators where you, the fans, can vote for your favorite each week through our toll-free number! Crazy, right? Yeah, we question our sanity a lot of times. Every now and then, it replies.
Celebrate your fandom with us… audibly!
About Jason Bennett:
Jason Bennett (@TahoeJBennett) is a contributing writer & the chief editor for PopCultHQ. As a team member since PopCultHQ’s inception in February of 2015, Jason has written over 11,000 articles covering all aspects of pop culture. He established relationships with many of the comic book publishers with whom we work on a regular basis. Whether sharing news from the comic book industry, conducting spoiler-free reviews, interviewing creators, or working with publicity reps, he is dedicated in promoting those within the comic book scene, giving people a platform to share their projects, as well as always seeking to find ways in which PopCultHQ can grow and improve. Jason also attends comic conventions, representing PopCultHQ as a member of the press, and can often be seen at conventions up and down the west coast.