A New Villain Enters the Fray in ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #11

This Wednesday, November 20th, Marvel Comics is set to release ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #11.

Here’s a look at the covers, storyline, and preview pages for Marvel Comics’ new release on New Comic Book Day…


Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: David Messina
Colorist: Matthew Wilson
Letterer: Cory Petit

Covers & Cover Artists:
Marco Checchetto w/ Matthew Wilson (Cover A)
Corin Howell w/ Rachelle Rosenberg (Cover B)
Terry Dodson w/ Rachel Dodson (Cover C)
Josemaria Casanovas (Cover D – Connecting Variant)


Tensions rise between Spider-Man and Green Goblin in the wake of recent events! And a new villain steps up to the plate! What is her connection to the Black Cat on Kingpin’s Sinister Six?

About Marvel Comics:

Marvel Entertainment, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies, built on a proven library of more than 8,000 characters featured in a variety of media over eighty-five years. Marvel utilizes its character franchises in entertainment, licensing and publishing. For more information visit marvel.com. © 2024 MARVEL