Preview FRANKENSTEIN: New World – The Sea of Forever #1
Frankenstein and the young Lilja navigate the world above ground to follow Lilja’s vision...

Jo May End Up Caught in the Crosshairs in LIVING HELL #3 (of 4)
Up-and-coming artist Caitlin Yarsky's authorial debut reaches its penultimate issue!

McCormick’s World is Crumbling Around Him in EXIT CITY #3
All that Miller knows is that McCormick is missing and she's not going to get any help from the other officers at ECPD.

Peace Dog & the Kid Seek Hope in LONG COLD WINTER #2
Peace Dog is not only on the run from Death but also a bounty hunter who will stop at nothing to take him down!

There’s Tension Between Yoon and Luke in STRING #3
Yoon's frantic 24-hour search on whether she's going to be a murderer or a murder victim ramps up into even higher gear!

A Final Desperate Attempt to Defeat the Drifter in THE LAST WARDENS #6
The Wardens make their last stand as Danny finally discovers the origins of her brother's monstrous mutation & what will happen to the world if she fails to stop it.

Howard & Eph’s Sins Come Home to Roost in KOSHER MAFIA #5
When Howard's family is put in the line of fire, he's just about ready to burn it all down–German, Italian, and Kosher Nostra alike...Eph included.

Can the Masked Killer Be Stopped? Find Out in MURDER KINGDOM #3
Who will be the fairy-tale serial killer’s next victim among the “cast members” of the Storybook Kingdom theme park?

Secrets of the Black Hole’s Origins Surface in DARK EMPTY VOID #3
Joy & the team plot a wild dangerous plan to shut off the terminal’s electricity and try to starve the black hole of its energy source.

Get Ready for the Ride of Your Life in KILL TRAIN #1
A randomized, extermination program where subway trains are picked at random & all the passengers are slaughtered by the end of the line.