Sandeman’s Sights are on Vincent in REVOLUTION 9 #3
After a vicious firefight in an abandoned operating theater, Vee and Jasper are kicking phase two of their plan into gear.

Discover the Origin of Lao Ban in TMNT: Nightwatcher #5
The Nightwatcher saga takes its most dramatic turn yet here, and what happens next will shock us all.

The Fate of the Multiverse Lays in Sisko’s Hands in STAR TREK #28
After the U.S.S. Theseus slingshots into the Celestial Temple, Sisko finds himself without his crew...or any technology...on a Bronze-age Bajor.

It’s a Finale Filled with Vampires in GODZILLA’S MONSTERPIECE THEATRE #3
Even with the combined efforts of Jay Gatsby, Sherlock Holmes, Jules Verne & the Time Machinist, Godzilla's global rampage shows no sign of slowing down.

The Costumed Crime Fighter is Collected in TMNT: The Best of Nobody
The mantle of Nobody has been worn by few but always served as a symbol for good and a beacon of allyship to the TMNT.

Can the Two Teams Get Along? Find Out in TMNT X NARUTO #2
From IDW and VIZ Media, don't miss this groundbreaking crossover between two of the greatest ninja teams of all time!

The Ultimate Life Form Featured in SONIC: Best of Shadow
Shadow usually operates alone, but when needed he will team up with his trusted allies Rouge the Bat and E-123 Omega.

Take an Emotional Journey Across Space & Time in DOCTOR DOOM & ROCKET RACCOON #1

Skye Enters the Microverse in GRIMM FAIRY TALES #92
Sometimes the largest of tales begin from the tiniest of places, and Skye Mathers, Guardian of the Nexus, always seems to find herself in the middle of it all.

Toxie Battles Bonehead in THE TOXIC AVENGER #4
A myopic teen with a switchblade takes a dim view of the company responsible for Tromaville's raging toxins! And what's with all the cicadas, anyway?