This Issue’s Scion May Be Too Much in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #65
CYRA represents the very power of Death Itself and makes Spider-Man watch everything he loves die.

Preview STAR WARS: The Battle of Jakku – Last Stand #2

Who or What is the ADAMANTINE? Find Out in WOLVERINE #5
WEAPON X changed WOLVERINE's life forever when they bonded his claws and skeleton to the unbreakable metal adamantium.

The Sentinel Program’s on the Verge of Shutting Down in SENTINELS #4
With the program shuddered by Corina Ellis, the Sentinels face an uncertain future. What does it mean to be terminated when your job is literally your life?

Prepare for a Power Cosmic Heist in WHAT IF? Galactus Transformed Gambit #1
Gambit is the most charismatic, most heroic and most capable thief on Earth - which is exactly how he grabs the attention of the Devourer of Worlds!

Elektra Faces Grisly Situations in DAREDEVIL: Unleash Hell – Red Band #1
The violence and the occult swirling across the Marvel Universe find their way to Hell's Kitchen!

The Sub-Mariner Must Choose a Side in NAMOR #6
On the plains of the deep, the armies of seven would-be kings have assembled, and all now look to Namor…

DEEP STATE Complete Collection TPB ~ The Entire Series in a Single Volume!
Spies, espionage, and secrets that run deep and dark in this political science fiction thriller for fans of Saucer Country and The Department of Truth!

Hellrune’s Mysterious Powers Activate in NEW CHAMPIONS #1
What do 4 kids whose lives were derailed by Hydra, Scarlet Witch's mysterious protégé, a cursed roller derby jammer, and a Wakandan runaway have in common?

The Epic Climax of the First Year in ULTIMATE BLACK PANTHER #12
Moon Knight challenges Black Panther to a one-on-one duel to end the war!