The Battle to End Them All in ULTRAMAN x THE AVENGERS #3
In one corner - the devourer of worlds, Galactus, AND HIS NEW HERALD, ALIEN ZARAB! In the other, the assembled forces of Captain America's Avengers and Ultraman's Ultra Guard!

Chandrila is Under Attack in STAR WARS: The Battle of Jakku – Last Stand #1
The rise of a familiar villain - driven to the edge of sanity! LANDO CALRISSIAN and a ragtag team of pilots are attacked by an unexpected fleet! The return of HAN SOLO?!

The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man Continues in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #64
Cytorrak's most dangerous scion, CALLIX, and his deadly CRIMSON CANINES take their turn to inflict physical pain on Spider-Man.

The Next Legendary Marvel Monster Hunter Debuts in BLADE: Red Band #3
BLADE, the Daywalker, finds himself in the crosshairs of a dangerous and deadly ALL-NEW FOE: once on the side of good, the latest in the lineage of VAN HELSING!

New Member Firestar Flames Out in WEST COAST AVENGERS #2
Firestar's time undercover with ORCHIS left scars and made her a pariah. Can the West Coast Avengers stop her downward spiral?

Secrets are Alive in SABRETOOTH: The Dead Don’t Talk #1
Join us as we uncover a secret untold chapter from the life of Logan's greatest foe in a tale of violence, betrayal, shocking reveals and more violence.

Get the First 5 Collected Issues in I HEART SKULL-CRUSHER! Vol. 1 TPB
With hope in her heart & an icepick in her hand, Trini will never stop chasing her dreams… and taking us along for the funniest, queerest, craziest, bloodiest underdog tale of all time.

It’s Ho-Ho-Horror for the Holidays in HELLO DARKNESS #6
Better hope your candles and bulbs all hold to keep the darkness at bay… because you won’t like what goes bump in the cold winter’s night!

Rogue and Cyclops Come to Blows in X-MEN #9
Emotions come to a head, pitting the two groups of X-Men against one another in a place where their only chance for survival is to stand together.

“Silent Night, Deadly Knight” in MOON KNIGHT: Fist of Khonshu #3
Dangerous operators on both sides of the law target heroes, villains and civilians with callous disregard for safety!