Can Phil Coulson Help Spidey? Find Out in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #65.Deaths

This Wednesday, January 15th, Marvel Comics is set to release AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #65.Deaths.

Here’s a look at the covers, storyline, and preview pages for Marvel Comics’ new release on New Comic Book Day…


Death and the Spider
Written by Derek Landy

Pencils by Kev Walker
Inks by Kev Walker & Wade von Grawbadger

Colors by Mattia Iacono
Letters by Joe Caramagna

Covers & Cover Artists:
Mark Bagley w/ Richard Isanove (Cover A)
Carlo Pagulayan w/ Romulo Fajardo Jr. (Cover B)


While Spider-Man is facing the Scion who wields the power of Death, the new EMBODIMENT of death, PHIL COULSON, gets to know his powers better.

Phil has always been there to help heroes in every way he can, but can he help Spider-Man to save our universe?

About Marvel Comics:

Marvel Entertainment, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies, built on a proven library of more than 8,000 characters featured in a variety of media over eighty-five years. Marvel utilizes its character franchises in entertainment, licensing and publishing. For more information visit © 2024 MARVEL