Get an Early Look at Battle Quest Comics’ THE 27 RUN: Crash #1

On February 5th, Battle Quest Comics is releasing THE 27 RUN: Crash #1. With new design, remastered pages and more guest artists than you can shake a rail cannon at, THE 27 RUN is back bigger and better than ever, baby!

Here’s a look at the covers, synopsis, and preview pages for Battle Quest Comics’ release on 2/5/25! #NCBD

THE 27 RUN: Crash #1 (of 3)

Written by Justin Zimmerman
Art by Russell Brown
Colors by Fran Gamboa

Covers & Cover Artists:
Jorge Corona & Morgan Beem (Cover A)
Stewart Kenneth Moore (Cover B)


“Get ready for epic mechs, monsters and science fiction adventure in THE 27 RUN: CRASH,” says Screen Rant. And who are we to disagree? An amnesiac Pilot wakes to an AI-driven nightmare world filled with 27 gigantic, hungry creatures. He’s got a Mech he doesn’t remember how to use, he’s surrounded by post-apocalyptic nothingness and his only chance to survive is…well, it’s not looking good.

About Battle Quest Comics:

Battle Quest Comics® is a YA publisher of action-adventure, fantasy and sci-fi built around multiple flagship titles – NO’MADD: THE UNCONQUERABLE, THE TRIDENT OF AURELIA, STEEL SIEGE, THE YOUNG NO’MADDS, and THE 27 RUN.

While BQC has been publishing for almost a decade, we recently reinked a deal with Diamond Comics for an extended publishing slate of two years.

Now, you’ll find our books in your local comic stores each and every month.