Interview with Sgt. Slaughter at C2E2 2015

Sgt Slaughter interview

To many fans of the classic 1980’s G.I. Joe toy line and cartoons from Hasbro it was the one we grew up with and knew. The toys later turned into an animated half-hour cartoon on TV and grew so popular with young boys that it would later spawn a vast marketing empire. An empire that lasted nearly two full decades with a plethora of memorable characters that are basically etched in Americana Pop Culture History. Only to return to great fame with the live-action films staring Channing Tattum and The Rock.

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There was one character, one of the most dominating figures to actually cross the fourth wall well before the current modern movies came to be. With the G.I. Joe franchise that crossed over to the American pop culture a phenomenon emerges in a way that had never been seen or done ever since! That most iconic figure is the one and only Sgt. Slaughter. The only real life entity that crossed mortal and animated barriers by becoming one of the most famous G.I. Joe’s characters in its beloved history and also an actual real life Hall of Fame superstar wrestler for the WWE (than known as WWF in my childhood – but later sued over the name rights). There was no interviews given at C2E2 to many, if at all any, media by Sgt. Slaughter but after speaking with the great Hall of Fame legend about how I wanted to confirm a role I thought he actually had in the G.I. Joe 2 movie ‘Retaliations’………..that is how the interview started.

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Sgt. Slaughter ‘A Real American Hero’ at C2E2 2015

Manny – “I know there are a lot of wrestlers here but I only want to talk to one, that is you Mr. Slaughter. What I would like to interview about is his cameo in the G.I. Joe movie?” (Me speaking to Sgt. Slaughter and his agent/handler)

Random Person – “He was not in the G.I. Joe movies!”

Manny – “Really?! Because there is someone in the second film (Retaliations) who looks to be just like him. In the second half off the film in Bruce Willis house, there is a guy that you can clearly see and they speak to him for one brief millisecond. This man looks just like you (me directing the question to Sgt. Slaughter) with the chin the cool stare, I swear I thought it was you Mr. Slaughter. He was also seen again very quickly on a bridge strapping a bomb to the back of a Hiss Tank. I even looked it up on IMDB and for a time it even had you listed in the credits but still uncredited?!”

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Random Person – “Where you in the movie?” (He now directs his question to Sgt. Slaughter as well)

Sgt. Slaughter – “No……that was supposed to be me”

Manny – “They just used your likeness?”

Sgt. Slaughter – “No……Bruce Willis character was supposed to be based on me”

Manny – “REALLY?!”

Sgt. Slaughter – “I was actually taken out of the first one”

Manny – “Hold on……you’re saying you were actually IN the first G.I. Joe movie?!”

Sgt. Slaughter – “Yes. I was supposed to be in the movie itself but I was taken out of it I guess”

Manny – “Does that not PISS YOU OFF?! I mean really?! You were such a huge intricate part of the whole Joe lore in the mid 80’s. You were the only iconic human to ever crossover in such a huge way to help the toy line and  comic books with Slaughter’s Marauders and your persona!”

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Sgt. Slaughter – “It was not my happiest moment” (still calm cool and collective with arms crossed the entire questioning)

Manny – “Well that’s just Hollywood for you I guess…..Wow! I cannot believe they left you on the cutting room floor! I’m actually kind of pissed to know this now! I grew up with tremendous respect for you Mr. Slaughter. As like many of your fans who come up to you here over the weekend and tell you. I too grew up watching your wrestling greatness with my Father. My Father has since passed away in 2004 and he never got to see me turn into the celebrity blogger I am now. I mean for me to be here and getting to meet you and talk to you………I’m sure my Dad’s looking down now and is really proud I have come this far.”

Sgt. Slaughter – “Thank you so much for that. Sad to hear about your Dad but I’m happy to hear about your current success.”

Sgt Slaughter and Manny Popoca

I paid to have a lasting memory for the rest of my life with Sgt. Slaughter as anyone can do with the legend at any Con he appears. We did the pose picture with Sgt. Slaughter showing off his famous WWE HOF ring. Then Slaughter quickly (as he could) grabs me from the side tossing my arms in the air and snaps me into his most famous wrestling move the ‘Cobra Clutch’ and says aloud……”This one’s for his Dad, let’s make him proud!”

Sgt Slaughter and Manny Popoca

I thanked Mr. Slaughter for the amazing time and talk. I asked for his permission to use what he told me about the G.I. Joe movies on my website here on and he kindly said “yes.” I cannot THANK Sgt. Slaughter enough for a memory that will last in my feels bank till the day I die. This article and interview is in dedication to my Father, I miss you Pops and our wrestling watching days……..

I think this story of Slaughter out of the Joe movies might have been brought up once long before over some legal rights, but for me, it cannot be brought up nearly enough! If anyone from Hasbro or Paramount Pictures reads this article be warned by the faithful G.I. Joe legions of geeks! If the real Sgt. Slaughter and his Marauders are not in G.I. Joe 3…..there is going to be hell to pay MAGGOT!!

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Originally written and published by Manny Popoca on April 2015