Mikey Sees His True Worth in TMNT: Sat. Morning Adventures #20

This Wednesday, January 8th, IDW Publishing is releasing TMNT: Saturday Morning Adventures #20!

Here’s a look at the covers, the storyline, and preview pages
for this week’s new release from IDW Publishing!

TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: Saturday Morning Adventures #20

Genie in a Bauble, Baby!
Written by Erik Burnham
Art by Sarah Myer
Colors by Luis Antonio Delgado
Letters by Ed Dukeshire

Covers & Cover Artists:
Sarah Myer (Cover A)
Ariel Medel (Cover B)

After a mild mishap with one of Donatello’s inventions, Michelangelo starts to wonder if his laid-back attitude isn’t holding his brothers back. While skateboarding in the sewers to clear his head, Mikey meets a genie who can show him exactly what the world would be like without him…and decides to do so. If dark Turtles, an angry Hamato Yoshi, and a forbidden pizza weren’t enough, Krang and Old Hob form an alliance to repair the interdimensional portal! All that, plus Michelangelo sees his true worth in an all-new Saturday Morning Adventure that could only be called “Genie in a Bauble, Baby”!

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