Doctor Sisemore Has A Big Choice to Make in LONG COLD WINTER #3

On Wednesday, February 26th, Mad Cave Studios is releasing LONG COLD WINTER #3 (of 4)!

Here’s a look at the cover, storyline, and preview pages
for Mad Cave Studios’ new release on Wednesday…


Written by Francesca Perillo
Art by Stefano Cardoselli
Colors by Lorenzo Scaramella
Letters by Buddy Beaudoin

Covers & Cover Artists:
Stefano Cardoselli (Cover A)

The Kid may have been able to find the help he needs to save Peace Dog’s life from a brutal attack by a bounty hunter. However, the help he has found, Doctor Sisemore, might not be the savior that Peace Dog needs…

Will the doctor turn Peace Dog and The Kid over to more hunters so he can collect on the bounty, or will The Kid be able to convince him to let them go?

About Mad Cave Studios:

Driven by madness and committed to quality. Mad Cave Studios provides quality entertainment with a fresh take on an array of genres. From fantasy and action to sci-fi and horror, Mad Cave publishes stories that resonate with unapologetic and authentic audiences.