The Deadpools Must Take Out Spider-Man in DEADPOOL #11
POOLS OF BLOOD begins here with Part 1 - and continues in this month's MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN #30!

Fight to the Undeath! in MILES MORALES: Spider-Man #29
Can SPIDER-MAN hope to defeat BLACK PANTHER at the height of his powers in the heart of his homeland?!

“Webs of Wakanda” Continues in MILES MORALES: Spider-Man #28
Deep in the wilds of Wakanda, a ritual to save Miles Morales' life begins, and the panther god BAST can no longer help him!

Vulture Shows His New Upgrades in MILES MORALES: Spider-Man #26
SPIDER-MAN just got a major upgrade! The new costume MIGHT save his life - or send him even deeper into an unending vampiric bloodlust!