It’s Caitlin Yarsky’s Creator-Owned Debut with LIVING HELL #1
In the vein of 'Buffy' and 'Good Omens,' this story combines humor, heart, and darkness.

A Jam-Packed Arc Finale in DUCK AND COVER #3
Armed with knowledge (and weaponry), our young survivors must fight for freedom as everything comes to a head in this jam-packed arc finale!

Head to Portland for a Genre-Busting, Apocalyptic Odyssey in FML #1
Features bonus material exclusive to single issues only, such as essays on music, true crime, interviews & more!

Head to Hollywood’s Problem Attic in SURVIVAL STREET: The Radical Left #2
Survival Street is an unrepentant action satire tearing through a dystopia packed with economic and humanistic cautionary tales.

Patra Learns Her Destiny in PATRA #3 (of 4)
The psychopathic savagery of Jeremy Jones is unleashed in a small town bringing bloody carnage to one family.

Spider and a Hangover Weigh Heavy on Fat Charlie in ANANSI BOYS I #5
Spider gets into the kind of trouble only a trickster scion could muster—trouble that poor Fat Charlie will have to deal with.

Who Will Be Worthy in the Fantasy Adventure THE CARLYLE SCHOOL OF KINGS?
Emmelene Heron is the daughter of traitors, but even she cannot be denied entrance to the Carlyle School for Kings.

At What Cost, Freedom? in KILL ALL IMMORTALS #4
A Viking never vacates a fight, wicked horrors and all, for only a true warrior enters Valhalla.

Eriadu is Under Siege in STAR WARS: The High Republic Adventures (Phase III) #11
Will the Tarkins join forces with the Republic resistance or capitulate to the vile Nihil?

Cordelia Moonstone Questions Reality in THE MAGIC ORDER 5 #2
Cordelia Moonstone was raised to believe her family was all the stood between the world we know and eternal darkness.