A Life is at Stake in YOU NEVER HEARD OF ME #2
A new story from the Italian creative team of Iolanda Zanfardino and Elisa Rombol!

Jack the Ripper Returns in 22nd Century London in RIPPERLAND #1
For the last century, a shattered post-Brexit England has operated as a massive Victorian theme park in exchange for American military and financial protection.

Kai Teams Up with an Unlikely Ally in ARCBOUND #3
The bold new sci-fi saga from Scott Snyder, Frank Tieri, Rayn Smallman, and Tom Hardy continues!

Crime in Supertown is Out of Control in BLACK HAMMER: Spiral City #3
The Eisner Award–winning superhero saga is back in this earth-shattering story that’s essential for all superhero and Jeff Lemire fans!

Cordelia Questions Her Savior’s Intent in THE MAGIC ORDER 5 #4
The smash hit series continues!

Enter the Children of the Utopian in JUPITER’S LEGACY: Finale #3
The human race has twenty-four hours to prepare themselves against our original masters returning from space.

Fat Charlie vs. Spider in the Penultimate Issue of ANANSI BOYS I #7
It's the penultimate issue of ANANSI BOYS I releasing this coming Wednesday!

Unexpected Challenges Hit Riley’s Band STFU in FML #3
Turn up the volume with FML Issue #3, crafted by the award-winning creators of Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman: Historia.

Get Ready for a Blood-Spattered Conclusion in SUMMER SHADOWS #4
Nick must navigate a treacherous path if he wants to help Anthony—and seeing his ex aboard the Nyx has only strengthened his resolve.

The Clock is Ticking in SPACE USAGI: White Star Rising #3
Features an original "Akemi" short story from Julie Sakai and Stan Sakai!