The Team Faces a Fugitive Being Chased in X-MEN #11
A deadly cadre of warriors pursue their target to Earth, a target making a beeline to the X-Men's home territory of Alaska!

It’s Cable & Avery vs. the Prime Conclave in ‘Love and Chrome’ #2
For as long as he could remember, Cable thought he was alone in his struggles against the Techno-Organic virus. That is…until now.

A New Bond Means New Challenges in EDDIE BROCK: Carnage #1
He's been VENOM, he's been ANTI-VENOM, he's been THE KING IN BLACK! Now Eddie Brock has made his darkest bond yet as he joins with CARNAGE!

This Issue’s Scion May Be Too Much in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #65
CYRA represents the very power of Death Itself and makes Spider-Man watch everything he loves die.

Dylan Brock's search for the new Venom host puts him on a collision course with the deadly Madame Masque!

An X-Man From the Future Arrives in the Present in TIMESLIDE #1
One of mutantkind's most hyper-advanced foes is eating his way through time, trying to stop the X-Gene from ever evolving in the first place.

Who is the Last Venom Standing? in VENOM WAR #5 (of 5)
There is just one battle remaining in the war for control of the Venom symbiote…and the victory leaves both host and symbiote forever changed!