Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme Seeks an Empire in ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM #1
Six months ago, Doctor Victor Von Doom became Sorcerer Supreme - then disappeared behind Latveria's closed borders.

Maverick Wants Answers in DEADPOOL/WOLVERINE #2
Following last month's shock reveal, DEADPOOL and WOLVERINE follow the clues from their lost mission in an attempt to save the present.

It’s the Historic Conclusion in DEADPOOL TEAM-UP #5
Deadpool is down. The Dragon's eggs are in jeopardy. Will the ultimate team-up end in…the ultimate sacrifice?

The Deadpools Must Take Out Spider-Man in DEADPOOL #11
POOLS OF BLOOD begins here with Part 1 - and continues in this month's MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN #30!

Johnny’s Old Flame May Complicate Matters in SPIRITS OF VENGEANCE #6
As JOHNNY BLAZE reels from one mind-bending discovery after another, the GHOST RIDER has unfinished business!

Don’t Miss the Jaw-Dropping Surprise in WOLVERINE #6
Two WOLVERINEs and a NIGHTCRAWER versus CONSTRICTOR, CYBER and DEATHSTRIKE in a clash of the adamantium titans!

Luke Cage & the Ultimate Prison Break in THE ULTIMATES #9
Chris Allen joins Deniz Camp to bring us the history and the future of Luke Cage!

Supreme Leader Kylo Ren’s Reign Begins in ‘The Legacy of Vader’ #1
Kylo's dark obsession leads him to MUSTAFAR! What secrets does FORTRESS VADER hold for the young tyrant?

The Only Thing Worse Than 1 Electro is 2! in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MEN #12
The Electros aren't the only SINISTER and SHOCKING SURPRISE in store for Pete & Miles… Sssomone ELSE has a bone to pick with the Ssspectacular Ssspider-Men…

The Black Cat Strikes in SCARLET WITCH #9
Felicia Hardy has set her sights on the treasure trove of magical items that Scarlet Witch keeps in the basement of her witchcraft shop.