Who or What is the ADAMANTINE? Find Out in WOLVERINE #5
WEAPON X changed WOLVERINE's life forever when they bonded his claws and skeleton to the unbreakable metal adamantium.

The Sentinel Program’s on the Verge of Shutting Down in SENTINELS #4
With the program shuddered by Corina Ellis, the Sentinels face an uncertain future. What does it mean to be terminated when your job is literally your life?

Prepare for a Power Cosmic Heist in WHAT IF? Galactus Transformed Gambit #1
Gambit is the most charismatic, most heroic and most capable thief on Earth - which is exactly how he grabs the attention of the Devourer of Worlds!

Elektra Faces Grisly Situations in DAREDEVIL: Unleash Hell – Red Band #1
The violence and the occult swirling across the Marvel Universe find their way to Hell's Kitchen!

The Sub-Mariner Must Choose a Side in NAMOR #6
On the plains of the deep, the armies of seven would-be kings have assembled, and all now look to Namor…

Hellrune’s Mysterious Powers Activate in NEW CHAMPIONS #1
What do 4 kids whose lives were derailed by Hydra, Scarlet Witch's mysterious protégé, a cursed roller derby jammer, and a Wakandan runaway have in common?

The Epic Climax of the First Year in ULTIMATE BLACK PANTHER #12
Moon Knight challenges Black Panther to a one-on-one duel to end the war!

Anti-Mutant Hysteria Remains High in NYX #7
"My name is Synch. And I challenge you to a battle to the death. I challenge you to the CIRCLE PERILOUS."

Dylan Brock's search for the new Venom host puts him on a collision course with the deadly Madame Masque!

“Raid on Graymalkin” Concludes in UNCANNY X-MEN #8
The Outliers, still finding their place in the mutant world, are hunted by a lethal new set of foes: A bloodthirsty, relentless & unstoppable pack of stealth Sentinels!