The Executioner Returns in THE IMMORTAL THOR #21
The Odinson stood at a gate in a dark wood. In front of the gate stood Skurge the Executioner, bloodaxe in hand, waiting for the final battle between them.

The Most Thunderous Storyline by Al Ewing Begins in IMMORTAL THOR #23
The startling arc will run through IMMORTAL THOR #25 and result in a bold transformation of Ewing's continuing work on the title.

The Gate to Utgard is Open for the Odinson in THE IMMORTAL THOR #20
This Wednesday, February 12th, Marvel Comics...

Find Out What Broke Him At Last in THE IMMORTAL THOR #17
Four new gods walked the Earth, called by Thor's foes to be his death - a man of fire, a man of stone, a beast of wrath and a trickster-serpent.