Lou Ferrigno has been in the public eye since he was 18 years old. The mountain of a man was first introduced to the world in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s breakout body building movie “Pumping Iron” (1977). In that first-of-its-kind autobiographical documentary-turned movie, we got to meet the shy, young Italian man who was more then ready to take on a whole world.

Bursting onto the scene with the mega successful The Incredible Hulk TV show (1978) based off the Marvel Comics superhero created by legendary comic book writer Stan “The Man” Lee. Lou Ferrigno has never left the heart of his adoring fans. I first met Lou in the early 2000’s while going to Wizard World Comic Cons as a fan. Every year I would go to a WW Convention; it was pretty much a given that Lou Ferrigno would be there diligently for his fans and I would make it a point to at least say “Hi”.
Fast forward to 2014, I am pleased to go to my very first comic con as media and I was invited to cover Wizard World Chicago as press. On my press pass pickup day I was most surprised to find out that I was going to be able to actually interview Lou Ferrigno HIMSELF!! It was a pure delight and joy to be able to talk and chat with one of my all time heroes!

I was once again given the wonderful opportunity to meet Lou one more time for another very short interview, this time for Wizard World Madison 2015. Here is that second interview I did with Lou Ferrigno that has not been seen by anyone yet….what a treat for my followers here at PopCultHQ.com!!
It has been one monumental journey for the one-time bodybuilding champion, tremendously successful TV star, and now an inspirational figure for many generation of his fans. Only to once again gain vast popularity from one simple little cameo in Marvel Studios hit reboot movie The Incredible Hulk (2003)!
Mannys interview with Lou Ferrigno:
Hi Lou, good to see you again sir. First thing out the way……I just heard you on stage (Lou had just done a LIVE radio interview before hand) and one of the fan questions was asked, “Have you ever gotten into fist fights?”
Lou: “Yeah, not since I was a little kid and I used to get picked on a lot by the neighborhood kids. I was a lot smaller back then, till I hit a growth spurt in high school. Since I picked up bodybuilding I never really found any reason to. Besides I’m a big teddy bear.” (Laughing)
That’s good to hear. Speaking of bodybuilding, I just watched “Pumping Iron” a few weeks ago with my son. I wanted to show him a bit of history and I was taken back when it came to your story and your father in that movie.
Lou: “Oh thank you! Yeah, that was such a great moment in my life. I loved everything about it.
It was so great to re-watch it. Do you ever keep in contact with Arnold?
Lou: “Actually we were just working out together last week”
Really?! That’s pretty cool!
Lou “I love Arnold and he’s a good man. We do keep in touch quite a bit”
Now another question I had heard asked by a fan was, “What are your hobbies” and you replied, “wood working.” I never knew that about you.
Lou: “Oh yeah, that is one of my favorite things to do on my free time. I go to my wood shop and I can spend hours and hours on my projects.”
Do you sell any of your furniture or pieces?
Lou: “Oh no, I do it all for myself”
Any other hobbies people might not know about?
Lou: “I do collect guns. I have a very nice gun collection so I like to go out shooting”
Now I heard a rumor that you were supposed to be the voice of the Hulk in the Avengers movie. Is that true?
Lou: “There were talks that maybe I could be able to do that but it was then decided not to go that direction. I don’t begrudge their decision but I would absolutely love to do it if Marvel asked.”
Well Lou, I really hope they give that chance…..it would be so cool for the old school fan boys who were such huge fans of your TV show. I actually think you might get that chance since I am personally predicting that Marvels next movie phase will be very heavy with Hulk presence and storylines.
Do you think there will be more Hulk movies as well?
Lou: “I would love to see more Hulk in movies and even a solo movie. There is so much to the character and it doesn’t seem like Hulk is getting his spotlight just yet. I don’t know anything Marvel is doing but I do really hope they go that route as well with more Hulk stories .”
Well Lou, thank you so much for this interview. I hope we can speak once more when Hulk gets his day!! Take care Sir.
Lou: “You too, good talking to you again.”