On Wednesday, February 5th, Mad Cave Studios is releasing MISSING ON THE MOON #2!
Here’s a look at the cover, storyline, and preview pages for Mad Cave Studios’ release on New Comic Book Day…

Written by Cory Crater
Art by Damian Couceiro
Colors by Patricio Delpeche
Letters by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Covers & Cover Artists:
Damian Couceuro w/ Dee Cunniffe (Cover A)
Taken captive by Sidhe and her Darksider Underground, Schwinn learns what it means to be on the outside of Lunar society….meanwhile, tensions on the surface between the police and the Darksiders have reached an all-time high, promising explosive repercussions. But what is it that Sidhe wants? Is she really after social chaos? Or is she truly a freedom fighter?”

About Mad Cave Studios:
Driven by madness and committed to quality. Mad Cave Studios provides quality entertainment with a fresh take on an array of genres. From fantasy and action to sci-fi and horror, Mad Cave publishes stories that resonate with unapologetic and authentic audiences.